Benthic Macroinvertebrates

Benthic Macroinvertebrates
Benthic Macroinvertebrates (BMIs) are key indicators of water quality and can be effectively used for creek, stream, river, lake and watershed assessments. BioSurvey Group biologists are experienced in sampling, sorting, and identifying BMIs from a wide variety of aquatic environments and regions. Our survey method experience includes kick nets, Hester-Dendy samplers, Hess stream bottom samplers, and sweep nets for lakes, small streams, and large rivers including diving.
Our benthic macroinvertebrate taxonomists have over 50 years of combined experience in macroinvertebrate identification (family and genus level) for eastern aquatic species found in streams of all size, lakes, and the Chesapeake Bay. This includes mounting and identification of Chironomids and use of BMI indices of biotic integrity in multiple states such as the West Virginia GLIMPSS (Genus Level Index of Most Probable Stream Status).
What We Provide:
Aquatic Health Assessments
Sorting and Identification
Index of Biotic Integrity
Quantitative Surveys
Family Level Identification
Qualitative Surveys
Watershed Assessments
Genus Level Identification
Lentic and Lotic Surveys
Chironomid Identification
Get in Touch with a Species Specialist:
No project is too big or too small. Contact us for a free consultation
Contact Us
BioSurvey Group
Mailing Addresses:
PO Box 593
Morgantown, WV 26507
PO Box 61
Oxford, OH 45056
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