Biological Consulting Firm Specializing in T&E Species
Bat Surveys
Our biologists offer both bat surveys and habitat assessments incuding mist netting, acoustic detection and analysis, emergence surveys, and roost assessments.
From snorkeling small streams to diving the biggest rivers, we have experience handling freshwater mussel surveys of any size and in more than 15 different states.
Our staff has a long history of successfully navigating rare, threatened, and endangered species (RTE) consultation with both state and federal agencies.
We deliver services for bats, birds, macroinvertebrates, reptiles and amphibians, and mammals, as well as water quality, bathymetric surveys, and aquatic health assessments
Crayfish Surveys
Our biologists are qualified to survey for threatened and endangered crayfish in West Virginia, Kentucky, and Virginia including the Big Sandy Crayfish and Guyandotte River Crayfish.
Benthic Macroinvertebrates
BioSurvey Group biologists are experienced in sampling, sorting, and identifying BMIs from a wide variety of aquatic environments and regions.
Contact Us
BioSurvey Group
Mailing Addresses:
PO Box 593
Morgantown, WV 26507
PO Box 61
Oxford, OH 45056
Questions? We Have Answers!
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